Saturday, May 26, 2012

Boobus Americanus and the 2012 elections

Election day is almost here. And who are the two most likely candidates? Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. They are doing all they can to sound different.  But when you get right down to it they are pretty much the same. Apples and oranges may be different fruits, but they are still both fruits. Neither candidate is promising to deal with the mounting deficits, or with the endless wars all over the place.  Neither one will remove the police state measures that are already in place.  Neither candidate will bring the troops home. I have never served in the military but I do know one thing. The job of the military is not to spread democracy all over the world. Their job is to protect the United States of America. Period. And any ditz, idiot or moron who thinks otherwise is full of bad smelling material.  If you want to help people in other countries then join the damn Peace Corps for gods sake!  The job of the military is to make sure that bad people do not invade this country or harm the people living here. They are supposed to take them down, if that does not work than they are supposed to take them out. Period. Not have hundreds of military bases all over the world which are sucking up huge amounts of money.

Ron Paul says a lot of good things in my opinion but he has zero chance to win the Republican nomination. But I do like the fact that the establishment Republicans hate his guts. So do most establishment Democrats too! If they both hate his guts he must be doing something right. 

Gary Johnson is the Libertarian Party candidate, having won the nomination not too long ago. I used to be a card carrying member of that party but I allowed my membership to lapse years ago.
Gary Johnson seems to also say the right things but his problem is that the Libertarian Party is also owned by Big Money. Different Big Money than what owns the Democrats and the Republicans but still Big Money. I am referring to the Koch brothers, also known as the Kochtopus. For some good articles on how the Koch brothers really operate that you will NOT seen on Huffington Post or any other establishment media, click here here and here

But the average American cannot see that. I could not see it either for a long time. But I finally opened my eyes and what I saw made me sick to my stomach, literally. I now consider myself as having No Party Affiliation whatsoever.  Big Money has everyone herded into three main camps, the “Conservatives”, the “Liberals”, and the “Libertarians.”  All they do is argue over minutiae and trivia for the most part.  The Democrats blame the Republicans who blame the Democrats.
Like a very dysfunctional family. I see it as a symbiotic relationship.  The three main camps feed off of each other.

There are a few exceptions but not many. Not enough to really matter.

So now matter who you vote for things stay the same. As Emma Goldman once said, “If voting changed anything they would make it illegal.” Voting does not change much of anything despite all the rhetoric thrown about. At the local levels it does change some things but not much. But at the higher levels forget it.

Big Money owns and controls all of the foundations and other non-governmental entities in this country. And Big Money also controls Reason magazine and the Reason foundation. I did not fully realize that until a few years ago.  I no longer subscribe to Reason and have not read it for about 10 years or so. Their dogmatic reliance on the “free market” as if Chevron, ExxonMobil and other companies actually want a “free market.” That is the last thing they want. They want a well managed “free market.” Because if the market were truly free they might not get to make so much money. It is all about the income stream.  The legal system, the medical system, the dental system, Big Pharma. It is all about “managing.” Keeping that income stream going.  Think about it. Does your doctor  make money off of you if you are not sick with some chronic illness. No. Are there honest doctors? Absolutely. But they have to watch themselves because if they stray too far from the herd they will lose their license or worse. I know. That is why I never became a lawyer. They cannot kick me out of the bar association if I am not a member.

What is a sane person to do?  Big Money owns and/or controls everything that matters in this country. Not literally everything but they do not have to. Because if they do not own or control it than it is something that does not matter. Period.

They say this country is the home of free enterprise. But that is not entirely true.  The sad truth is that in this country as Gore Vidal has said you have socialism for the rich, for everyone else you have ruthless dog eat dog capitalism. Big Money always seems to keep their nest feathered one way or another.  And unless something drastically changes they always will.

So in my opinion it will not matter much who wins the election. Because Big Money will win regardless of which candidate wins. And that is a crying shame.  This country deserves a lot better than that. The title of this blog is Boobus Americanus but if only most Americans could see the actual truth it would be a better world.

Stay tuned. More posts to come.

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