Saturday, December 8, 2012

The top 5 ways to tell if you might be a political independent


There are many ways to tell if you might be a political independent.   I will list the top 5 ways.

If you think that anyone who is 30 years old and calls herself a “student” is full of what bears do in the woods (“you know what”), you might be a political independent.

If you think that someone who would compare the prisoner abuse that happened at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq with “fraternity hijinks” is full of you know what,  you might be a political independent.

If you think that for the most part, both major political parties are full of you know what, you might be a political independent.

If you have at any time ever thought that choosing between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney was like choosing between lung cancer and emphysema, you might be a political independent.

If you have at any time ever thought that the only real difference between the two major political parties is that each one takes your money out of a different pocket, you might be a political independent.

Comments are welcome so long as they are respectful. Suggestions for other ways to tell if you might be a political independent are also welcome.

Copyright 2012 by The Old Cynic. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dealing with Boobus Americanus, part three

Hello again loyal readers. Another Boobus Americanus post is here. This one is part three of  Boobus Americanus as a consumer.  As my loyal readers already know I worked for many years in the legal field in California, working with both attorneys and the general public and for many years I used to prepare paperwork for divorces in the State of California, both contested and uncontested.

Some of the people I had to deal with are to put it mildly, incredible. I had one guy whose wife had filed for divorce and served him so he had me prepare his response.   The marriage was pretty long term, and there were also minor children and property involved.

While meeting with him in my office we got to shooting the breeze and he told me that he worked in the aircraft industry. He made good money. He also emphasized that he was a loyal conservative Republican, talking about several politicians that he admired. He came across as the typical tough talking conservative, even telling me that every month he went for his monthly several mile jog. 

We set up another appointment the next day for him to come to my office to sign the response, and also pay both my fee for preparing the response and the filing fee. I prepared his response. When I got to my office the next morning, the Caller ID on my telephone showed over 20 calls from this guy, and my voice mail had several messages from him, urgently asking me to call him. I did so and he was very worried, saying that his wife had told him that she was going to get an attorney. On the phone he sounded like the complete opposite of the day before. He was thinking about not filing his response. I finally talked him into filing the response to protect his interests.  I mean this guy acted like he had lost his testes, balls, cajones, whatever you want to call them.   The only difference was that he did not have a high voice.   I guess you could call that descending testes syndrome.   I had no choice but to help him find his missing “testes” because he still owed me $250.00 for preparing his response so my money was mixed in.

Boobus Americanus as a male is really something to behold.  Many of them are full of sh**, talking tough one day, and the next acting like the guy I just mentioned.   They either do not really have the stomach for it, or they listen to the attorney they hired who convinces them that fighting for their interests is not worth it. Some of them will fight to protect their interests. Buy many will not,  settling instead for being a “weekend dad.”

The utter two faced hypocritical behavior of Boobus Americanus is something to behold.  I get a secret pleasure out of it. I like to think of it as my hobby.  The hubris is hard to describe.

The male version of Boobus Americanus is a wonder to behold.  These guys know in their heart that they are getting screwed, but they mostly do nothing but bitch and moan about it.  I am so glad that I left the United States,  particularly California and moved to Asia.  I cannot stand being around Boobus Americanus.  I live for the day when I no longer have to deal with them.

Stay tuned. More stories to come on Boobus Americanus.