Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dealing with Boobus Americanus, part two

Hello again loyal readers. Another Boobus Americanus post is here. This one is part two of  Boobus Americanus as a consumer.  As loyal readers already know I worked for many years in the legal field in California, working with both attorneys and the general public.

As I mentioned in part one, I used to prepare paperwork for divorces in the State of California. And some of the calls I used to get are incredible.  I would receive calls from people who wanted to get divorced but they could not locate their husband or wife to have them served.  The utter lack of knowledge of the legal system by Boobus Americanus is something to behold.  I get a secret pleasure out of it. I like to think of it as my hobby. 

These people would call and tell me that they talked to their friend who told them that all they had to do was place a small ad in the newspaper to serve their spouse!! WTF! First the law in California requires that they diligently try to locate their spouse by having a private detective or someone else search through public records to find them. Then they have to submit a declaration to a Judge who will decide whether to approve it.  The notice must be published in a newspaper close to where the last known address is. And readers this not a small classified ad.  Back in 1995 or so the newspaper charged at least $350.00! It is probably double that now.

But these people really thought it was like placing a small ad in the newspaper. It should be easier than a normal case, not harder. What was I talking about? The truth, that is what I was talking about.

But Boobus Americanus thinks they know everything.  Pompous idiots is the only way to describe most of them. It is not so much that they do not know anything, they think they know something which is even worse.  But it would be easier to pull teeth from a tiger than get them to admit that.  The hubris is hard to describe.

Boobus Americanus thinks everything, including the legal system is like going down to the shopping mall. If they don’t like what you are telling them they just assume that they can go to the next “store” and find a better deal. Non-stop shopping, right. Shop til you drop.

Boobus Americanus is in the words of one commentator, a nation of obese, voyeuristic, money grubbing hypocrites.  And that is putting it mildly. I am so glad that I left the United States,  particularly California and moved to Asia.  I cannot stand being around Boobus Americanus.

Stay tuned. More stories to come on Boobus Americanus.

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