Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dealing with Boobus Americanus

Another Boobus Americanus post is here. This one is about Boobus Americanus as a consumer.  As loyal readers already know I worked for many years in the legal field in California, working with both attorneys and the general public.

The attitude of Boobus Americanus is astounding.  Everyone is so mesmerized by the horse manure of advertising that they want the sun, the moon, and the stars, all rolled into one, at 60% off to boot! I sell sample legal documents on the internet as one of my side businesses. A few weeks back I got an e-mail from someone complaining that the document they had purchased was the wrong one. The nasty e-mail ended with “Thanks for nothing.” I looked into it and discovered that Boobus Americanus Twittus had not read the description of the document. In other words it was her fault she had purchased the wrong document.  The ditz needs to get a new pair of glasses at Lenscrafters for heavens sake!  Or try eating more carrots.  I was tempted to point that out to her by replying to her e-mail but finally decided against it.

Incredible.  Another purchaser of a document expected me to spend who knows how much time explaining everything to her. Give me a break! The document sells for $14.99 and I only get around 80% of that amount.  When I pointed out that she was asking for time that she had not paid for, she complained and said I had not right to be, in her words, “an ass”. She said that I
could be an ass if I had went to law school.  But since I had not I had no right. Give me a break. The disclaimer on the document description states that I am NOT an attorney. What did you think you were going to get for $14.99 lady?  What an attitude. If I had gone to law school I could complain all I wanted. In fact I could have screwed her over and she would not have done anything.  After all, everyone knows, but will never admit, that attorneys are basically a bullsh***er with a license. Yes some are good and decent people.

Around a week ago I got another e-mail from someone who lived God knows where who wanted me to e-mail them a document and then they would send me a check.  WTF?  He said he could not pay online. Guess what dude! As the old sayings goes, “Money talks and bullsh** walks.”

Everyone wants something for nothing. Understandable to some extent, but the gall and sheer
audacity of Boobus Americanus is hard to fathom. It is like they know deep down that the system sucks, they just want to screw someone else over any chance they get.

I used to prepare documents for divorces in California.   A guy called me one day and we started talking.  This guy was unbelievable!! He had several kids but did not want me to list them on the divorce petition. And it gets better folks!! This guy asked me, “Can you back date the divorce filing a few years?” WTF again!!

More to come on Boobus Americanus as a consumer. And more posts to come on Boobus Americanus as attorneys as well.  Stay tuned!

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