Thursday, July 25, 2013

Boobus Americanus as California attorney

Boobus Americanus as California attorney is the subject of this blog post. As I have mentioned in my earlier blog posts I have worked in the legal field in California for many years. While I am no longer located in California I do try to keep with at least some of what is happening there.

I mentioned a Chintzy attorney in one of my earlier blog posts.  Loyal readers will remember him. He is so cheap he is not just a penny pincher he is a fraction of a penny pincher. See my earlier blog post:

This guy is a real piece of work.   He must have had a half decent attorney because it took almost 2 years to bring this case to trial in the United States District Court located in Santa Ana, California.  I was thinking that he might be able to delay it until crucial evidence was no longer available.  Not a chance.  The feds had tape recordings that his own client had made of their conversation. Incredible! Finally in May of 2013 he was convicted by a jury of bribing a federal government employee! And Chintzy did not even get any money out of the deal! Talk about not having the sense that God gave a crab apple. This guy is not only a shyster, he is incredibly stupid as well.  As a result of his stupidity he will be disbarred and lose his law license very quickly.

I have to admit I got a certain smug feeling when I read about his conviction.  This guy really was something else.  He was truly a “lawyer in name only”, what I like to call a LINO. The only time this guy wanted to be the attorney was when it was time to collect the money!!

His attitude was something else.  This guy was such a dumbsh** he once turned down someone I had referred to him who wanted to have his criminal record expunged which in this persons case would have been pretty close to a “slam dunk”. Chintzy did not want to do the job because he thought $1,500.00 was not enough money!!  He wanted at least $2,500.00 And this was almost 15 years ago! Yet Chintzy took on another case where the client\s former attorney stated “good luck getting paid by this guy”. Chintzy took on the case very close to the trial date for a measly retainer of $1,000.00!!!

I could write several more blog posts just about Chintzy but I will close with this. His long time law office administrator whom he worked with for around 20 years or so is a twice convicted felon!! And one of the cases actually went to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals which in a published case upheld his conviction.

Stay tuned. More to come on the subject of Boobus Americanus as California attorney.

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