Monday, April 9, 2012

Boobus Americanus as attorneys

The topic of this blog post is Boobus Americanus as attorneys. In working in the legal field here in California for many years I have worked with quite a few attorneys. Some good ones to be sure. But I have also worked with some real “winners”.

Let’s examine this further. One attorney I used to work with is now facing federal charges for bribing a government employee, a federal one! And can you believe that the amount of the bribe was only $2,500.00? I could not believe it. Last June I was reading the local paper and what do I see but a news article detailing how this “attorney” who I can only describe as Mr. Magoo with a sheepskin, had just surrendered to federal authorities.  He was turned in by his own client who was so shocked by what this attorney suggested that he immediately contacted another attorney who informed the authorities. The attorney suggested that the client pay money to bribe a federal agent to tell the local DA that the client had cooperated in an important investigation so that the client could have his charges dropped.

I worked with this attorney for several years and frankly I was only a little surprised when I read the news article last June. This guy was something else!  The legal administrator who worked for his law offices had also previously faced some serious drug charges in the past.  I checked him out online after hearing rumors about his past and this guy had gone all the way to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals regarding his conviction and lost. Big time case. They had worked together for around 20 years or so. I did not learn about any of this until after I stopped working with the both of them.

This guy was so stingy it is hard to describe. I was once working on a federal case for him and something needed to be filed in a Court that was over 100 miles away. And it had to be filed quickly. I suggested FedEx but he said that would cost too much money and sent it using the Postal Service. Needless to say it barely got filed in time. And all that just to save a few bucks. Not to make a federal case out of it but it was a federal case! What was Chintzy thinking?

I did not hear from Chintzy for several years when he called me a little over 4 years ago and wanted me to work on a probate case for him.  I was going to turn him down at first but the housing bubble was starting to burst and business had been getting slow. The husband of a neighbor of his had passed on. I should have turned the case down as soon as I saw the will. This thing was so vague and ambiguous as to how the property was to be distributed, at first I thought perhaps they had obtained it from a “Crackerjack”® box.  Instead of coming right out and stating that everything went to the wife it droned on and on without actually getting to the point. The husband had worked for a fairly large pharmaceutical company and had many stock options which had to be exercised before a certain date.  Chintzy had me prepare what is called a spousal property petition as supposedly the wife got everything under the will.

Chintzy had a secretary who had worked for him for quite a few years.  She is something else. She totally looks down on pot smokers (Chintzy, her boss, the “attorney” is or used to be a pot smoker) yet she cannot even tell the difference between the family law clerk’s office and the probate clerk’s office.  She dropped off the probate paperwork at the family law clerk’s office, as a result the filing of the probate case was delayed by at least a week or two. I have been going to the same courthouse for years and have never had a problem. The sign clearly says family law clerk’s office, and the probate clerk’s office is on the same floor and has a sign, just on the other side.  I mean Cheech and Chong could have read the sign and known where to go, and that is after they smoked up that whole van they were driving in Up in Smoke!  She should probably try smoking pot, it might actually raise her IQ!

The petition eventually got filed, and at the hearing the Judge told Chintzy that because the will was a “pour-over” will and gave everything to a living trust that he could not grant the petition. So now I had to prepare a regular probate petition. It took several hearings to get it approved as the original will, which Chintzy had prepared said on the first page that the couple had 4 children, that was crossed out and the number 2 was written in. This guy was so cheap he didn’t want to print out another page with the correct number. Now that is cheap!! This guy was not a penny pincher, he was a fraction of a penny pincher.  Because Chintzy was so stingy he did not want to print out another page I had to prepare a declaration to satisfy the probate checkers.

And to top it all off, I was only paid about half of what I had been promised. Oh well as they say you learn something new ever day. As soon as I got the check I took it directly to the bank and cashed it. I was not taking any chances on the money not being there.

Working with attorneys has been a real eye opener.  I look at it like playing cards. You never know what the next card will be. You could get an Ace, or even a Joker.

Or you could work with a pompous drunk. So out of it that they have no idea what is even going on in their law office. They attract bad cases like poop attracts flies.  All show and no go. I worked with one attorney who actually spent more money on a case involving a trust than what the trust had in the bank! Incredible. Most attorneys use the services of an attorney service, who for a flat monthly fee, does all of their routine filings for them. This guy paid a service from $50-75.00 for each document that they filed with the Court!  Of course the owner of the service was his buddy. He had another guy who had an office downstairs that he worked with who used to prepare trusts for some of the rich people who lived in coastal Orange County. This guy charged $200.00 just to make 4 copies of a trust, not to prepare the trust, just make copies. That is $50.00 just for a copy! And the trust guy was not even a licensed attorney!

He was describing one probate case to me and he was coming off just like Clarence Darrow. He was doing this and that for his client. When I looked the case up his client had never even  been named the Executor, and in fact there were NO assets in that probate estate. This guy was something else.

His office manager was his girlfriend. When I started working there I was speaking with his legal secretary who asked me if I knew that when he and the office manager went on vacation, which was about every other week, that they were both together. I told her that I had kind of figured that out already. She told me flat out, “You do not want to work here.” I eventually left after several months as I was not getting the amount of work that I was promised, among other things.

Funny thing is the guy was always accusing me of talking about his cases in public, when in fact I never mentioned anything. He must have been worried that I would figure out what he was doing.  Honestly I think the guy was a neocon moron.  And you know why? His girlfriend was okay looking, but an older blonde who had obviously spent too much time in the sun. And I hate to use a stereotype but she was a rather bitchy ditz.  Now the legal secretary on the other hand was well endowed shall we say , and she actually knew what she was doing. I would have had her as my girlfriend if I was him. But what can I say, I have strange tastes.

Stay tuned. More to come on the subject of Boobus Americanus as attorneys.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Boobus Americanus as a roommate

Watch out. Another sarcastic blog post about Boobus Americanus is here. Although to be truthful this one is more caustic than sarcastic.  The topic of this blog post is having Boobus Americanus as a roommate.

About 5 years ago I rented a room from a guy who was in his middle to late 30's.  I should have figured out what he was when I saw the cap that he usually wore which said, “Who give’s a rat’s a**.” But I needed a room.

He was the pompous roommate from hell. He thought he knew everything and treated everyone else like they did not know anything. He talked down to me like I was nothing.  He waited for over 8 months to finally ask me for my share of the utilities. What timing! I had forgotten about it and it was only 2 weeks or so until Christmas. I paid my share of course. But from then on I noticed that he would only pay the utilities every 2 months. He would post the bill up on the refrigerator and when I looked at it the last month’s bill it would be overdue and the shut-off date was about a week away.  Give me a break. This guy looked down on me and he could not even pay the utilities on time.  Hey dude it is not my fault that you cannot find a “sucker” to buy an overpriced crackerbox somewhere in Southern California!

And the location of the house was about 2 blocks from a train station. The trains came all night long, and most of the day as well.  They would always blow their train horns. I would just start to drift off to sleep and then another train would come along and blow their train horn. The good news is that once I finally went to sleep the trains no longer bothered me that much.  Then there was the weed whackers early in the morning. And the drunk pedestrians walking by on the weekends after the bars closed. My bedroom window was right next to the street in the front of the house.

And when I gave him notice that I was moving out this pompous drunk decided to play games with me.  He suddenly decided to invite all sorts of people over. It got so bad I could not even park in the driveway.  This pompous dipsh** gave me the treatment all right. Then he tried to charge me so he could get a new dryer, saying that I had overused it.  I then finally sent him a letter in which I informed him that if he reminded him that the dryer was so old that it should be in the Smithsonian, and that if he tried to charge me for it I would sue him. That settled him down real quick.

This guy was really something else. One minute he talked like a liberal, five minutes later he was talking like a, how shall I say, “conspiracy theorist.” He once told me that “Marx said that capitalism would eventually destroy itself.” Yeah right. Marx was supported by rich people dude! Get real.

You want my take on the subject? Okay here it is. Capitalism is breaking down because they are not “playing the game” as it was meant to be played.  The huge corporations own both the Democrats and the Republicans in my view. At least they own the elite ones, the establishment of both parties. And the real powers that be operate behind the scenes. Let’s get real folks. There is something rotten, and it is not just in Denmark. We have been had people. I wish I knew all the answers but I do not.

Now after that slight digression let me get back to the topic of this blog post. The next roommate I had can only be described as Boobus Americanus bitchy twittus. Seriously folks she was something else.  A presumptuous loud mouthed drunk. No wonder her boyfriend was in Alaska! That way he doesn’t have to put up with her all the time.

When I moved into the room I asked her specifically if I could bring a woman over if I happened to get lucky so to speak. She said that would not be a problem.   Then she complained about me going downstairs at night to get a snack. It got to the point where she did not want me to go downstairs after 8:00 P.M. And I was supposed to pay $1,100.00 per month, plus utilities! Give me a break.

And she was like Jekyll and Hyde. One minute she was just fine. Then all I did was mention how much I paid for my car registration and she says” Well I paid more than that. So don’t talk to me about it.”  I finally got sick of living with a loud mouthed sarcastic drunken twit. 

And to top it all off the condo was built back in the 1970's with aluminum wiring. That’s right. The same crap they used to use in older mobile homes.  I found that out when she had to call in an electrician because the old wiring had a problem and needed to be fixed.

And this condo was upscale. Right on Pacific Coast Highway in fact.  Every unit had their own boat dock. Then I gave her notice that I was moving out of state and would be selling my bedroom furniture. That is when she suddenly mentioned that only approved organizations were allowed in the condo complex, no individuals.  Somehow she had never brought that up before. She was just pissed off that I was moving and wanted to get back at me.  What a bitchy twit. She was 60 or so and acted like she was still going through menopause, or perhaps it was PMS.  Of course it was not her fault, with that type it is never their fault.   And folks I mean both men and women when I mean that type. It really does not matter.  Seriously.  The guy with the rat’s a** cap acted the same way.

Stay tuned. More posts to come on Boobus Americanus.

Boobus Americanus and the legal system, part two

Now for part two of Boobus Americanus and the legal system.  I have worked in the legal field in the State of California for a long time. And I have dealt with some people that are interesting to say the least.

As mentioned in part one of this series I have worked with numerous people who were representing themselves in Court. I will describe some of the situations below.

Just last year I worked with an older gentleman who was being sued by a collection agency for around $9,000.00 or so. He had been contacted by a different collection agency almost a year before he contacted me, they had offered to settle the account for $1,800.00. He did not take them up on their offer.  When he contacted me he wanted to object on the basis that the collection agency had bought the account for pennies on the dollar. He actually thought that would fly. Needless to say I had to tell him that would not work.  I did prepare his answer and some discovery questions and demands to the collection agency for information and documents.

He later contacted me again and wanted to countersue and take the case to federal court! He also brought up his original objection again. It was then that I realized that this guy would not stop believing that somehow he could win his case because the collection agency bought the debt for pennies on the dollar. And he also wanted to move the case to federal court as well!! I politely told him that I would be unable to assist him any further and that he should contact an attorney.

Months later I received an e-mail from him stating that he had in fact retained an attorney but that the attorney had let him down. And his trial date was about a week away. Frankly I did not even respond to his e-mail. That may sound mean but I do not agree.

This guy should have used his head. First off, he and his wife were collecting Social Security benefits, which are exempt from garnishment on a civil judgment under both California and Federal law.  In fact, the Court waived his filing fee because he and his wife only received about $1,500.00 a month. Anyone who has lived in California recently can tell you that is only enough to live in your car in California, an old car at that.

This guy should have told the collection agency to go pound sand. Go ahead and get your judgment. Good luck collecting on it. But instead he wanted to take the case to federal court no less!

And the people who are “smart” are in many cases the worst. They think their IQ of 190+ means they know everything. Not true. The law is what it is and the fact is that someone who expects it to be “rational” all of the time is going to be sorely disappointed. Just because you want the law to be a certain thing does not make it so.  The law was written by imperfect humans. And it is also interpreted by imperfect humans. If someone cannot grasp that I do not care how “smart” they are. I would prefer not to deal with them.  After all my IQ is only about 140, and that is on a good day.

And then there are the people like the woman I was trying to collect a judgment for. She thought that Duane “Dog” Chapman was going to find the guy and bring him to justice! Sort of like CSI-Los Angeles County!! Give me a break. People like that think the whole world is exactly like it is shown on television.  She is like many people I have dealt with who have totally unrealistic expectations.

Stay tuned. More to come on Boobus Americanus and the legal system as well as other discussions of Boobus Americanus.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Boobus Americanus and the legal system, part one

I cannot say enough about Boobus Americanus. I have held these thoughts inside of me for too long. I have to come out of the closet! I know many Americans who I admire greatly but let’s get real. When H.L. Mencken coined the term “Boobus Americanus” he hit the nail right on the head.

I deal with Boobus Americanus every day in my work in the legal field. And let me tell you I still think Mencken was making an understatement!  I really do. They seem to think that they are shopping all day. Everything is the same as it is in the department store. If they do not like what you are saying they will keep “shopping” until they find someone who will tell them what they want to hear. And they will most likely find someone. I work in the legal field and let me tell you there are people out there who will in fact tell them what they want to hear just so that they can take their money. Then when they do not win their “attorney” (and I use that term loosely) will point to the legalese in the retainer agreement that says something like, “Attorney has made no warranty or guarantee with reference to the success or outcome or amount, if any, which Client may be entitled to recover as a result of his claims.  Nothing in this Contract and nothing in Attorney's statement to Client shall be construed as a promise or guarantee, and all statements of Attorney on these matters are expressions of opinion only.” Are you starting to get the picture here folks? Life is not just one huge department store. After all the lawyer jokes you have seen did you still think that they are all like the attorneys you see on television? Wait, strike that. I forgot Boston Legal and a few other shows.  I know that there are some very good and honest attorneys out there. Frankly I have not met too many of them.

But I am digressing here. The topic of this blog post is Boobus Americanus. Specifically how Boobus Americanus snatches defeat from the jaws of victory in many of his dealings with the legal system.  The main mistake they seem to make is that they seem to vacillate between totally trusting in attorneys and thus getting screwed over, or they do not want to get involved with attorneys and therefore decide to represent themselves which results in many cases in screwing themselves over.

I have spoken with people who used their tax attorney to work on their divorce case and then wondered why they did not win in Court. Give me a break! Your tax attorney? What were you thinking?  If they are an attorney they must know the law right? No, they know the area of law that they specialize and work in all the time. That does not mean they know jacksh** about divorce law or any other kind of law.

Or they use their “business” attorney and then stick with the same attorney forever. I spoke with one women who had a divorce still not finished, after 13 years! What was your first clue that something was wrong? 

The old adage says something like “Anyone who acts as their own attorney in Court has a fool for a client.” And there is a lot of truth to that statement. Going into Court without an attorney is not an easy thing to do. Especially with some (although not all) Judges. It is like walking up to the batter’s box with 2 strikes against you before you even get a chance to look at a pitch.

And do you know why this is so? Because the lawyers run the whole show. Even though things have gotten better over the last say 20 or 30 years the legal system is still mostly run by lawyers, for lawyers. All the Judges used to be lawyers. And so on.

And the attitude of Boobus Americanus when they do go into Court without an attorney leaves a lot to be desired, to put it mildly.  They expect things like:

Expecting to win just because they deserve it. As in I don’t give a @#$% what the law says, I deserve to win.  Just because someone you know tells you that they heard of someone else who got lucky and won a case like yours does not mean that you will win. Legal cases are like snowflakes, each one is different. 

Having unrealistic expectations about what they can accomplish.  While some people do in fact obtain spectacular results by themselves that is usually due to a combination of the right kind of case coupled with hard work by that person, including a lot of research, either in the local law library, online, or a combination of both.

Trying to represent themselves in a complex case, such as a medical malpractice case using the assumption that if you get an attorney involved that will wind up costing you money. Get real!  If you have a good malpractice case or other type of personal injury case you will likely get more money if you find a good attorney. If you have a good case you should have no problem finding a good attorney to take your case on contingency. And if you do not have a good case then how can you expect to win, except through some miracle. Miracles do happen, even in Court, but not that often. Remember that 100% of zero is still zero. Zip, zilch, nothing. It is better to get 50% or 60% of something than 100% of nothing.

Expecting that the Judge will see things their way just because they are representing themselves. Hey you might get lucky, but if that is the only thing you have to rely on you might be better off trying to stand on quicksand.   Sure you may have a constitutional right to represent yourself in Court, but you also have a constitutional right to perform your own heart surgery, or your own root canal. Just because you have the right to do something does not mean it is a good idea to do it.  And believe it or not I sympathize with people who represent themselves. I really do.  I have worked with many of them.

The problem is that the educational system here in the United States has been so dumbed down it is incredible. Combine that with the fact that most people here actually seem to think that all they have to do is go into Court and tell the Judge that they are right and the other side is wrong and they are going to win.  They all want to know the ultimate motion or gimmick that they can use to win their case.  Give me a break.
I have news for them. All of the motions, etc., are all listed in the legal books. I cannot believe some of these people.  They think everything is like a late night TV commercial. And if you order right now you will also get free shipping!  And if you do not have what I want then you are just trying to get more money out of me.  Yeah sure dude. Anything you say, lol.

Stay tuned. More to come on Boobus Americanus and the legal system.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The various species of Boobus Americanus

There are many variations in the species of Boobus Americanus. Let’s explore several. But be forewarned that this blog post is politically incorrect to the extreme.  Actually that is an understatement.

Buffy has a sheepskin:

This type is usually female, politically “liberal”, and thinks that they know everything because they have a “degree”.  This type can best be described as “Buffy has a sheepskin”. They are “educated” in most cases but the education can best be described as taking a “silver spoon” and putting it on the left side of their mouth.  These are the types that look down their nose at just about everyone else but they have to hide their disdain for certain people, lest they show their true colors.  After all if they did show their true colors then the “true believers” might start to wonder what was going on. And we cannot have that can we.  Examples include but are not limited to, Barbara Boxer, Patt Morrison, and Nancy Pelosi.

There is a male sub-species of this type that is very similar to the female one. The main difference is that they are male (allegedly). These are the type that act very politically correct in public but if you look very closely at them you begin to see what they really are. Rich, elitist snobs who look down their nose at just about everyone else. And the “true believers” eat it up. Give me a break.  These people make me sick. They really do.

The right wing muffins:

The right wing ditzes, also known as a right wing muffin, or as I like to say, “they pop up on the  right side of the toaster.”

Now these women are something else. They’re a ditz but you can’t mention that, oh god no, because they’re a right winger. Translation, they are basically just a bitchy ditz who happens to be a right winger. Most (if not all) of these women are unbelievable.  Examples include but are not limited to, Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin and Condoleeza Rice.

I worked with one who basically fits the pattern perfectly. She has worked for the same attorney, (and I use that term loosely) for over 10 years. She totally looks down on pot smokers (her boss the “attorney” is or used to be a pot smoker) yet she cannot even tell the difference between the family law clerk’s office and the probate clerk’s office.  Several years ago she dropped off some probate paperwork at the family law clerk’s office, as a result the filing of the probate case was delayed by at least a week or two. I have been going to the same courthouse for years and have never had a problem. The sign clearly says family law clerk’s office, and the probate clerk’s office is on the same floor and has a sign, just on the other side.  I mean Cheech and Chong could read the sign and tell the difference, and that is after they smoked up that whole van they were driving in Up in Smoke!  She should probably try smoking pot, it might actually raise her IQ! Give me a break. My take on this species is this phrase, “they pop up on the right side of the toaster.” In other words they are a muffin, like most ditzes, they are just a right wing muffin.

Right wing dips**ts:

Almost always not so bright but full of bluster. They think George W. Bush was a great president, instead of a former Yale cheerleader who did more damage to this country than all of the previous presidents combined.  Give me a break.  He ran an oil company in Texas that was NOT profitable.  All he had to say was we need a “humble foreign policy” and even people like Lew Rockwell voted for him in 2000. Then again he was running against Al Bore, whoops, I mean Al Gore. What a choice, a sanctimonious windbag and a former male cheerleader. 

Examples include but are not limited to, Ken “Cakewalk” Adleman, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the "attorney" referred to earlier, who by the way is now facing federal charges on charges of bribing a government official.  Just had to put him in there. Sorry I just could not help it.

Yet these people will defend W almost to the death if need be.  After all he did what he had to do. 9/11 changed everything. Sure. It changed everything, no doubt about that. Only problem is the change was not for the better.  Ever get the feeling that W and Obama are not that far apart? I mean W gave us change too. And just like the change that Obama gave us, it was not for the better. Although I have to admit that Obama was more open about it, after all he did promise “change” as part of his campaign.

Stay tuned. More to come on the various species of Boobus Americanus.

Political science 101 as applied to Boobus Americanus

Politically speaking, Americans generally fall into three main types. Note that I am not including independents here because most of them, despite their being labeled an “independent” still lean towards one of these three main types.  They just shift their allegiance depending on how the political winds are blowing.  Or depending on what the media tells them if you are an old cynic like me.  H.L. Mencken nailed it when he coined the term "Boobus Americanus". You want to know about my politics? Fair enough. I am both the "commie, pinko fag" that the rightwingers all despise, and the "vast right wing conspiracy" that the leftwingers all hate. Now how does that grab you?

The “Liberals”: 

God these people make me sick! Talk about a “one trick” pony.  These people are like a broken record. If we just tax the hell out of each other then everything will be okay. After all “taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.” Does that mean that you get a rebate if society is not civilized?  If that is true I want to apply for one right now. Should I ask Patt Morrison for the rebate?   God she looks like the inspiration for PMS medication. Give me a break.  I just totally oversimplified their position but then why not? That is what they do to their opponents.

I saw what most of these people really are when I was growing up. Sanctimonious phonies for the most part.  Although some are in fact sincere, they are mostly found in the rank and file.  All form and no substance.

These people are not liberals. They just hijacked the name. They are not even close to that. Unless you are registered down at “Liberal” (Democrat?) headquarters you can forget about them giving a damn about you. I know.  And to think I used to be a Democrat at one time when I was much younger. Oh well.

I learned that when I found out that up to 80-90% of “mental health professionals” are Democrats. They should really be called “emotional bureaucrats” because that is what most of them are. Consider all of the psychotropic drugs used by this profession. Even though their side effects are well known.  Did you ever see the movie, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest? Give me a break. How can a profession such as that consist of 80-90% Democrats if they are truly liberals?

The only time these folks are “Liberal” is when they have to be to keep up appearances.  It wouldn't do to let the "true believers" see them as they really are.

The only thing that keeps their coalition together is that they have no other choice. A motley assortment of lemon suckers, minorities, and of course the Warren Buffets and the other rich Democrats at the top. They have to make sure that the great majority of the coalition stays just where they are. Otherwise they might leave the “plantation” so to speak. They need the “true believers” to stick around.

No matter how horrible a person is these people all have the same meaningless platitude. It is not just their fault, "it is everyone's fault." Where did these people get that saying. Oh, wait, now I remember. They heard it spoken by someone years ago when they were growing up and now they treat it with an awe and respect bordering on worship. It is not just an overused cliche. No sir. It is their dogma.  What a pile of horse manure. For the most part people are responsible for who they are.  And even the Liberals know it. They sure as hell do not use that phrase when they are discussing someone who is not a Liberal.  Now that in itself tells you that they do not really believe what they say.

The “Conservatives”: 

These are the “limited government” folks.  I was never that comfortable with all of their positions but then
at least some of them made sense. Although I know understand that they are just as phony as the Liberals.

Yuck. Fred Reed was right about them.
Then again he was right about the Liberals as well. 

The only time they want government to be limited is when it suits them. They have no problem with the government making 92 year old women take their adult diapers off so they can look through the sh** for possible bombs or weapons.  How limited is that?? 

These people make me sick too!! They want tax cuts. Hey dipsh**, how about reducing my taxes to nothing since I do not hardly make any money now. Thanks to your “free trade” agreements which are so wordy and verbose they make War and Peace look like a slim paperback.  Why do they have to be over 1,000 pages if they are about “free trade”? Answer that question for me.   Back when Reagan did his tax cuts the people who used to pay at a 70% top rate had it lowered to a 50% tax rate.  That is a full 20 point reduction in the tax rate. But the people who were paying 20% sure as hell did NOT have their taxes reduced to zero. Why not?  Nothing but vague platitudes and worn out slogans, just like the liberals. They just use different ones.

The only reason that they still have any followers is that the “Libs” are so outrageous they make them look reasonable. Joe Bageant was right when he said that one of the main reasons that poor white people do not vote for the Democrats is because the “Libs” are so damn haughty and sanctimonious. The rednecks know that even the “Cons” are screwing them over but at least they do not expect them to put up with all the bullsh** that the “Libs” do.  The two groups have what is called a “symbiotic” relationship.  The only reason that people put up with them is that the only alternative that they can see looks even worse.

And there used to be some of them who had a more freedom loving part to them. Like when then Senator Alan Simpson from Wyoming said he did not agree with the idea of having a National ID card back in the 1980's. I doubt that he thinks the same way now! Because if he still did there is no way he would have been appointed to anything in this political climate.

They are all form and no substance just like the Liberals.  Same horse manure. They just spread it on the other side of the barn. 

The “Libertarians”: 

Ah yes. My old “buddies”. They do have one good point. They understand that there is basically no difference between the “Cons” and “Libs”.  But then again even a broken clock is right twice a day as the old saying goes.  These people seem to think that all we have to do is bring back the gold standard, have everyone use private arbitration instead of the Courts and everything will be just fine.  Okay I admit that is just a bit of a generalization but it is not too far off the mark.  Many of them had no problem with the “free trade” agreements like GATT, NAFTA, and the WTO. Just mention “free market” or “free trade” and many of them fall into a trance like they are hypnotized or something.  I believe in the free market as much as anyone but these folks elevate it to the level of “dogma” and beyond. Even Murray Rothbard smelled a rat when it came to NAFTA.

I have a few questions for them also. Who owns most of the gold in the world?  Let’s get real here folks. Just because you know a lot of people who own gold does not mean anything. I am willing to bet that individuals do NOT own most of the gold in the world.  And that is counting all the “preppers” out there that live out in the middle of nowhere and have a bunch of gold stashed away.

Really rich people and central banks most likely own most of the gold in the world. And if we did go back to the gold standard where would we get the gold to back the currency? Answer that question for me.  Oh I know, all those people they know who together do not own more than a few percent, if that, of all the gold in the world. And somehow that will be enough gold to back all of the currency that is needed to run a modern economy.  Come on folks. I thought you people were hip to the dangers of drinking flouridated water.

And why would all the gold dealers be selling gold in exchange for paper money if they thought that gold was such a great investment? Do not people when they enter into a transaction trade something of value for something that they value even more??? If I thought gold was going to $10,000.00 an ounce I would not sell any gold whatsoever. So why are all those gold dealers and sellers doing selling all that gold? Could it be the “greater fool theory” in action? I readily admit that gold is a very awesome looking substance and has many excellent attributes.

No doubt about that. Can you eat it? Pure gold may be soft enough to chew but not nutritious and probably toxic. Can you drink it? It does not melt until it reaches over 1,900F. Legend has it that Pizarro was forced to drink molten gold but since he is not around to enlighten us it is safe to assume that he did not enjoy the experience.  All we need is the gold standard back and that will solve everything.  How about all the panics (now called depressions) that occurred while the United States was still on the gold standard, like 1893, etc.  They do not seem to want to talk about that.  All the rich and powerful need to do under a gold standard is move a substantial amount of gold out of the country and that will cause a contraction of credit. They probably do not even need to do that since they control and/or own all the big banks. They just need to exercise their control over the money and stock markets to cause a contraction of credit.   They have done it many times before. And the gold standard will not change that fact. As Dick Eastman puts it do you really want to submit to the “tight harness of a gold standard”. A few years ago I would most likely have answered yes but not now.  Considering that the really, really rich people and their known and unknown agents, associates, etc., most likely own or at least control, most of the gold in the world. Sure we all know someone who owns a few ounces, or even a few bars but that does not constitute most of the gold in the world.

I get the feeling that they are just “cherry picking” like just about everyone else. Hey we all do that to some extent but should we not get all of the facts out there.

And why don’t you ever talk about the proposal made by Lysander Spooner over 100 years ago for an alternative currency that does NOT involve either gold or silver backing.

Also see his comments on the use of gold and silver as a currency.

He is certainly mentioned for his other works on other subjects such as trial by jury, and of course the “constitution of no authority”. Yet until the other night I had NO idea that he had proposed an alternative currency.  And he makes a lot of sense too. His currency could NOT be moved out of the country like gold and silver could.  Of course they will not talk about that because they are “true believers” in the gold standard.  They are too afraid to venture too far from their theory (dogma).

I hate to end this blog post on a sorry note but what else can I say. We are royally screwed and for the most part we have done it to ourselves. We let the media manipulate us and herd us into one of the three main types mentioned in this blog post. 

Stay tuned. Much more to come.