Sunday, April 8, 2012

Boobus Americanus as a roommate

Watch out. Another sarcastic blog post about Boobus Americanus is here. Although to be truthful this one is more caustic than sarcastic.  The topic of this blog post is having Boobus Americanus as a roommate.

About 5 years ago I rented a room from a guy who was in his middle to late 30's.  I should have figured out what he was when I saw the cap that he usually wore which said, “Who give’s a rat’s a**.” But I needed a room.

He was the pompous roommate from hell. He thought he knew everything and treated everyone else like they did not know anything. He talked down to me like I was nothing.  He waited for over 8 months to finally ask me for my share of the utilities. What timing! I had forgotten about it and it was only 2 weeks or so until Christmas. I paid my share of course. But from then on I noticed that he would only pay the utilities every 2 months. He would post the bill up on the refrigerator and when I looked at it the last month’s bill it would be overdue and the shut-off date was about a week away.  Give me a break. This guy looked down on me and he could not even pay the utilities on time.  Hey dude it is not my fault that you cannot find a “sucker” to buy an overpriced crackerbox somewhere in Southern California!

And the location of the house was about 2 blocks from a train station. The trains came all night long, and most of the day as well.  They would always blow their train horns. I would just start to drift off to sleep and then another train would come along and blow their train horn. The good news is that once I finally went to sleep the trains no longer bothered me that much.  Then there was the weed whackers early in the morning. And the drunk pedestrians walking by on the weekends after the bars closed. My bedroom window was right next to the street in the front of the house.

And when I gave him notice that I was moving out this pompous drunk decided to play games with me.  He suddenly decided to invite all sorts of people over. It got so bad I could not even park in the driveway.  This pompous dipsh** gave me the treatment all right. Then he tried to charge me so he could get a new dryer, saying that I had overused it.  I then finally sent him a letter in which I informed him that if he reminded him that the dryer was so old that it should be in the Smithsonian, and that if he tried to charge me for it I would sue him. That settled him down real quick.

This guy was really something else. One minute he talked like a liberal, five minutes later he was talking like a, how shall I say, “conspiracy theorist.” He once told me that “Marx said that capitalism would eventually destroy itself.” Yeah right. Marx was supported by rich people dude! Get real.

You want my take on the subject? Okay here it is. Capitalism is breaking down because they are not “playing the game” as it was meant to be played.  The huge corporations own both the Democrats and the Republicans in my view. At least they own the elite ones, the establishment of both parties. And the real powers that be operate behind the scenes. Let’s get real folks. There is something rotten, and it is not just in Denmark. We have been had people. I wish I knew all the answers but I do not.

Now after that slight digression let me get back to the topic of this blog post. The next roommate I had can only be described as Boobus Americanus bitchy twittus. Seriously folks she was something else.  A presumptuous loud mouthed drunk. No wonder her boyfriend was in Alaska! That way he doesn’t have to put up with her all the time.

When I moved into the room I asked her specifically if I could bring a woman over if I happened to get lucky so to speak. She said that would not be a problem.   Then she complained about me going downstairs at night to get a snack. It got to the point where she did not want me to go downstairs after 8:00 P.M. And I was supposed to pay $1,100.00 per month, plus utilities! Give me a break.

And she was like Jekyll and Hyde. One minute she was just fine. Then all I did was mention how much I paid for my car registration and she says” Well I paid more than that. So don’t talk to me about it.”  I finally got sick of living with a loud mouthed sarcastic drunken twit. 

And to top it all off the condo was built back in the 1970's with aluminum wiring. That’s right. The same crap they used to use in older mobile homes.  I found that out when she had to call in an electrician because the old wiring had a problem and needed to be fixed.

And this condo was upscale. Right on Pacific Coast Highway in fact.  Every unit had their own boat dock. Then I gave her notice that I was moving out of state and would be selling my bedroom furniture. That is when she suddenly mentioned that only approved organizations were allowed in the condo complex, no individuals.  Somehow she had never brought that up before. She was just pissed off that I was moving and wanted to get back at me.  What a bitchy twit. She was 60 or so and acted like she was still going through menopause, or perhaps it was PMS.  Of course it was not her fault, with that type it is never their fault.   And folks I mean both men and women when I mean that type. It really does not matter.  Seriously.  The guy with the rat’s a** cap acted the same way.

Stay tuned. More posts to come on Boobus Americanus.

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