Friday, April 6, 2012

The various species of Boobus Americanus

There are many variations in the species of Boobus Americanus. Let’s explore several. But be forewarned that this blog post is politically incorrect to the extreme.  Actually that is an understatement.

Buffy has a sheepskin:

This type is usually female, politically “liberal”, and thinks that they know everything because they have a “degree”.  This type can best be described as “Buffy has a sheepskin”. They are “educated” in most cases but the education can best be described as taking a “silver spoon” and putting it on the left side of their mouth.  These are the types that look down their nose at just about everyone else but they have to hide their disdain for certain people, lest they show their true colors.  After all if they did show their true colors then the “true believers” might start to wonder what was going on. And we cannot have that can we.  Examples include but are not limited to, Barbara Boxer, Patt Morrison, and Nancy Pelosi.

There is a male sub-species of this type that is very similar to the female one. The main difference is that they are male (allegedly). These are the type that act very politically correct in public but if you look very closely at them you begin to see what they really are. Rich, elitist snobs who look down their nose at just about everyone else. And the “true believers” eat it up. Give me a break.  These people make me sick. They really do.

The right wing muffins:

The right wing ditzes, also known as a right wing muffin, or as I like to say, “they pop up on the  right side of the toaster.”

Now these women are something else. They’re a ditz but you can’t mention that, oh god no, because they’re a right winger. Translation, they are basically just a bitchy ditz who happens to be a right winger. Most (if not all) of these women are unbelievable.  Examples include but are not limited to, Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin and Condoleeza Rice.

I worked with one who basically fits the pattern perfectly. She has worked for the same attorney, (and I use that term loosely) for over 10 years. She totally looks down on pot smokers (her boss the “attorney” is or used to be a pot smoker) yet she cannot even tell the difference between the family law clerk’s office and the probate clerk’s office.  Several years ago she dropped off some probate paperwork at the family law clerk’s office, as a result the filing of the probate case was delayed by at least a week or two. I have been going to the same courthouse for years and have never had a problem. The sign clearly says family law clerk’s office, and the probate clerk’s office is on the same floor and has a sign, just on the other side.  I mean Cheech and Chong could read the sign and tell the difference, and that is after they smoked up that whole van they were driving in Up in Smoke!  She should probably try smoking pot, it might actually raise her IQ! Give me a break. My take on this species is this phrase, “they pop up on the right side of the toaster.” In other words they are a muffin, like most ditzes, they are just a right wing muffin.

Right wing dips**ts:

Almost always not so bright but full of bluster. They think George W. Bush was a great president, instead of a former Yale cheerleader who did more damage to this country than all of the previous presidents combined.  Give me a break.  He ran an oil company in Texas that was NOT profitable.  All he had to say was we need a “humble foreign policy” and even people like Lew Rockwell voted for him in 2000. Then again he was running against Al Bore, whoops, I mean Al Gore. What a choice, a sanctimonious windbag and a former male cheerleader. 

Examples include but are not limited to, Ken “Cakewalk” Adleman, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the "attorney" referred to earlier, who by the way is now facing federal charges on charges of bribing a government official.  Just had to put him in there. Sorry I just could not help it.

Yet these people will defend W almost to the death if need be.  After all he did what he had to do. 9/11 changed everything. Sure. It changed everything, no doubt about that. Only problem is the change was not for the better.  Ever get the feeling that W and Obama are not that far apart? I mean W gave us change too. And just like the change that Obama gave us, it was not for the better. Although I have to admit that Obama was more open about it, after all he did promise “change” as part of his campaign.

Stay tuned. More to come on the various species of Boobus Americanus.

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